Sunday, January 31, 2010

Baby Blood Donor A 2 Months Old Baby Whose Parents Are Blood Type Are AB+ And O.?

A 2 months old baby whose parents are blood type are AB+ and O.? - baby blood donor

The child needs a blood transfusion, if we have 5 donors following blood groups A, AB +, O, B, O, O-.. that the donor has the right blood, the baby? and why?


coquineg... said...

You need to know the child's blood type. it is A or B.. and that neither the type of parents. hastily, Type O can be used, but blood banks often use the right blood type.

jason said...

A solution can donate blood or a child. But if the parents of genetically pure (homo-zygote), a child of blood type AB +, because we know that is a dominant gene dominant over OB (A>> OB) and RH +> HR .then 5 The blood donors can donate to children

Kelly M said...

You do not need you to know your children's blood type - O-. Or you can go to any blood type. O can not be right, or they can not on O-Go.

CherryBu... said...

So do not include the child's blood type, which is important information. The best donor a, which has the same blood type. People Group have the same blood source of natural antibodies and therefore there was no antibody reactions to intravascular coagulation TEC transfusion patients.

In extreme situations where there is absolutely no use of blood from the same blood type O blood. However, it is now hardly used in modern hospitals, especially because it will obviously ready for a variety of donors who help anyway:)

Best of luck!

Tigger said...

What type of blood is the baby?

Remember that was a few years, as blood groups learned in school, but I remember that the O-negative blood is the universal donor, since Rh proteins cause to get a reaction. If the child is AB +, then everyone should be able to donate.

Good luck!

Orinoco said...

First - what the baby's blood type

Second types of blood - the rate should be the child's blood before transfusion match (ABO and Rh-related does not guarantee a game!)

Thirdly - if you are firmly indicate to O negative blood for the child.

O negative is the universal donor (and thus the blood of the dog's blood bank on several occasions). N ABO antigens (or flags of identity, if desired) and do not have Rh antigens (Flag-ID) and can usually be ok.

However, there are dozens of types of blood from other young people (Duffy, Kell, McLeod), and can cause adverse reactions.

curious said...

Or get a donor May The Blood universal. Why, I do not know. But it is my blood type to the Red Cross is always happy to go over me and donate.

gazeygoo said...

The first question would be what the child's blood type. They rely on the sale of AB + and O with a parent? other. This child would have any type of blood, because it does not say whether the father, O + or -. Of the five mentioned 2 + or say we do not - things are difficult, but, oh, are regarded as universal, found in all types of blood and is compatible with + or -. But that's crazy, because blood banks have the ability to write and cross part of the donor to each recipient without any input from you.

Cara said...

O is the universal donor, so I went with O. depends on what type of blood of your child. Rh-negative or positive?

Charles B said...

Anyone who can enter any type O blood, that they are "universal donors."

Charles B said...

Anyone who can enter any type O blood, that they are "universal donors."

pip said...

with AB +, and PO have no idea what their children's blood type, and therefore can not say what kind, but I can say .. Soya-O-.. the universal donor anyone, anywhere, anytime, can receive O blood

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