Saturday, January 23, 2010

Wilson Cb What Is The Ideal CB Antenna Length? ?

What is the ideal CB antenna length? ? - wilson cb

I leaned TWORD Firestik brand, and I get the kit because I need the cable and all that. But I whips fiberglass double or single? Check out these photos (not magnetic first cuz it stinks), but the others, and that's what I was leaning TWORD. This is not the real problem ..... How long? 2 m 3? Any response that has taken place, I thank you ...


Old Man Dirt said...

The ideal length of the antenna is one wavelength.
But this is not practicable.
So with so-called "continuous load". As a "Firestik".
Fold into a disposal problem when they are not good. This leads to a situation such as a microphone too close to a speaker - a feed-back.
The placement of the antenna is a problem. Speaking of rest, the antenna directly to the rear bumper. For a one-way area, the center of the car / truck is best. ) The Timeline (car or truck in this case, the base plate and reflects the energy in that direction.

Cubby said...

Have the antenna is good, but seems to be no sufficient ground plane (the area under the antenna. Must be at least the size of the roof of his truck.) I had a like at some point in the trunk of my car and I had a range of 20 -- 30 mileswith Johnson Messenger 123 and a sun-of-a-Gun-in antenna. He was able to send 1000 watts, if I had the kicker! As he grew to 5 watts.
If you are fiberglass, go with the hat up mirror, such as large trucks.

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